Classroom Expectations

Rights & Responsibilities of Class Members:

Each member of the class has:


  • the right to be safe
  • the right to learn
  • the responsibility to be polite
  • the responsibility to be honest
  • the responsibility to use time wisely



The 5 "P's" for Success 


  • be PRESENT
  • be PROMPT
  • be POLITE



These rights and responsibilities and 5 "P's" sum up what I believe it takes to have a successful year in math class. Those who choose to interfere with the rights of other members in the class or do not display responsible behavior may receive certain consequences. The consequences could include:


  • verbal warning
  • conference with teacher
  • seat change
  • phone call home
  • refocus - student will fill out a sheet to reflect on behavior & come up with a plan for change/improvement 
  • discipline referral - principal involved



Behaviors that will ultimately lead to a discipline referral will usually fall into one of the "D" categories, which include:


  • Disruptive
  • Disrespectful
  • Defiant



It's really pretty simple how it works. For example writing, passing, or reading a note - this might be nothing more than a verbal warning, but if the note contains anything disrespectful toward another student or teacher it would move right to a refocus. If the note included anything that might cause or indicate harm to an individual/s, then it would be an automatic discipline referral.




